Tuesday, November 18, 2008

PLN 13

In the Nata village blog “School house Rock” what matters is there not high tech bell that wakes the village up in the morning. Every morning the school watchman rings the bell five times every morning at five o’clock. This ring wakes up the school staff. The bell is also a warning for the students that they have an hour and a half until school starts. I think that this is a very cool technique. It would be impossible to have my entire community wake up at the same time. What I also find interesting is that the Nata village uses an old school bell, but it will wake up the surrounding tenets within a 10 mile radius. If my community was to have an instrument to wake up everyone, we would have some high tech machine that makes a large beeping sound or some other annoying buzzing sound. After reading this article, I am now more aware of how much money my community wastes. A simple non expensive bell can do the exact same job as a machine that costs thousands of dollars. My community could save so much more money if we didn’t spend so much on high tech machines. I think it is so cool that the Nata village uses everything that they have to the fullest. If every community was like this little African village, then the world would be much better off. All in all what matters the most in this blog is the basic school bell that wakes up the community.

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